The Projects Committee implements projects and activities to improve, beautify, and support the Glen Ellen community. Projects are based on local interests with an eye to elevate awareness of our surroundings while creating a more unified community.
Project examples include:
· A community bulletin board at the Glen Ellen Village Market
· An informational display kiosk and lending library on the north side of the Arnold Drive bridge (by the post office parking lot)
· The creation of posters and banners to inform the community
· Biannual town clean-up collections
· The installation of garbage cans at the post office parking lot
· The installation and maintenance of wooden bus benches
· An art mural under the Arnold Drive bridge by the creek
· The creation of a Dia de los Muertos Altar (celebrating Day of the Dead)

Some of our forum projects require working on a broader scale with the county and other organizations. There are currently two that are led by community members who have volunteered to lead these long-term efforts. These are:
· The Dunbar Point Project (via a Sonoma Land Trust agreement) - Chair, Debbie Lammers; and
· The Firehouse Triangle Project – (Arnold Drive improvement) - Chair, Mark Newhouser

- Town & Creek Cleanup
- Revamped Garbage Cans for Downtown
- Lending Library
- Downtown Maintenance Person (1 day/week)
- Bench & Plantings near Post Office/Bridge
- Apply for County TOT Grant Funds
- PO repaint
- PO parking lot resurface
- Earth Day spring street clean-up for two years running
- Installing two new wooden attractive bus stop benches in town
- Revamping and painting PO Bulletin Board
- Sonoma Creek & Calabazas Creek Clean-Up (with Sonoma Ecology Center)
Committee Members
Laurie Pile (Chair)
Paul Goguen
Debbie Lammers
Leslie Vaughn
BJ Blanchard
Elisa Stancil
Janie Soto
Mark Newhouser
Melissa Dowling
Mari Jo Dickerson

- Additional wooden benches throughout town
- Bridge repair (Arnold Drive between Post Office & Village Market)
- Four-sided Kiosk

To join this committee, inquire about our work or the next committee meeting, please email [email protected].