Our Focus

The focus of this committee is to identify traffic and pedestrian safety issues in Glen Ellen and addressing them using the 3E concept: Enforcement, Engineering, and Education.

Current & Future Projects

Click here to access the Ready Glen Ellen website.

  • Meeting with representatives from County-Sheriff Department and Transportation and Public Works, along with the CHP.
  • Acquiring a radar speed sign (the kind that flash your speed when you are going faster than the limit).
  • Working with the county to add signage to re-route some through traffic back to HWY 12.
  • Improving walk and bike routes while maintaining the Glen Ellen historic look and feel.
  • Continuing discussion around solutions for: traffic noise from stop signs; speed in specific areas; parking; commercial vehicle delivery times; etc.
  • Please see the traffic survey under the Documents section.
  • Awarded $1000 from United Way of the Wine Country for the Sonoma County Wildfire Recovery & Resilience Neighborhood Grants Program (Dec 2018)


Ready Glen Ellen
This emergency plan was created by the Glen Ellen Forum Traffic and Safety Committee and other members of the Glen Ellen community.  We encourage all residents, businesses and employees of Glen Ellen to have an emergency plan and hope this document helps you.

Traffic and safety committee meeting - January 3, 2018

Traffic and safety committee meeting - November 8, 2017

Traffic and safety committee meeting - August 23, 2017

Traffic and safety committee meeting - March 15, 2017

Traffic survey 3-1-17

Sonoma County 2017 Wildfire EOC After Action Report 2


To join this committee, inquire about our work or the next committee meeting, please contact Co-Chair Stacy Vilas at [email protected]

Committee Members

Nick Brown (Co-Chair)
Bill Olsen
Marge Everidge
Archie Horton
Stacey Villas (Co-Chair)