Forum Board Meeting Minutes – January 2021
Glen Ellen Forum Board of Directors Meeting
Convened online January 14, 2021; submitted by Amanda Shone, Secretary
No video recording for this meeting at this time
Present were:
Melissa Dowling (Board President), Angela Morgan (Board Vice President), Amanda Shone (Board Secretary), Dave Shefferman (Board Treasurer), Bettina Sichel (Board Member), Nancy Padian (Board Member), Debbie Lammers (Board Member), Nick Brown (Steering Committee), Shannon Lee (Communications Committee), Alice Horowitz (Board member), and Laurie Pile (Projects Committee).
Meeting called to order by Melissa at 6:07 PM. She presented the agenda for the meeting (see attached).
Secretary Report:
The minutes of the last board meeting (October 2020) are getting edited and will be approved via email at a later date.
Treasurer’s Report: Dave Shefferman (See attachments)
Summary as of 12/31:
· Total funds on hand: $22,126.43
Balances By Committee:
· Commerce/Tourism: $50
· Engagement: $100
· Projects: $2,288
· SDC: $325
· Traffic & Safety: $102
· General Forum/Unclassified: $14,906
Bridge lighting:
· To date, we are – $3,299 for the bridge lighting
Significant activity:
· Any word on remainder of refund from Green Siteworks?
· Grants received
o Erickson Charitable Foundation – $10,000
o Rebuild North Bay landscape lottery grant – $4,800
o Jack London Yacht Club – $1,250
Committee Reports:
Steering Committee-Nick Brown
Meeting attendance numbers approx. 30-50 people.
Thinking of speakers for this quarter-Hot season, fire safety, town water and more.
Status of posting recordings to website-Complete
Communications Committee-(Laura absent)
No report for now.
Projects Committee (Laurie)
Triangle by fire station-Beautification project, welcome sign
New banner going up-ideas for where to hang signage
Welcome signs at entry to town on both sides
Bridge lighting
Traffic and Safety needs representation.
Should we hand off to NVMAC?
Motion brought by Melissa to remove from areas of coverage.
2nd Bettina, third Dave. All in favor.
Commerce and tourism (Laura)
Nothing for now.
SDC Eldridge-(Alice)
Informational meeting coming up. Website
Open space legislation not definitive. What can we do?
No update for now. Nick thinking of having them speak for the hot seasons.
None for now.
Old Business:
North Valley MAC activated.
Editing language in by-laws.
Debbie Lammers brings motion to change language. See email attached. 2nd Dave. All in favor. Approved via email. (Attached)
New Business-Melissa Dowling
Prepare 2021 Elections
Expiring terms-President, Vice President, 3 Director positions.
Catalyst Fund and other grants
Bridge lighting
State approved use of electricity
Complex and unresolved contractual and insurance issues
State required that we increase our fire insurance from 100k to 500k
See accounting, not complete, Some pledged donations have not been received or accounted for yet, may be additional expenses up to $500.
Public Comment:
The next Board meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on April 15, 2021, either videoconferencing or at locations to be announced. Meetings to follow July 15, 2021 and October 21, 2021.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 pm.