Month: December 2019

Board of Directors: October 2019 Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors: October 2019 Meeting Minutes

Glen Ellen Forum Board of Directors Meeting October 17, 2019 at Mayflower Hall; submitted by Jim Shere, secretary Present were Melissa Dowling (Board President), Angela Morgan (Board Vice President), Jim Shere (Board Secretary), Margie Foster (Board Treasurer), Nancy Padian (Board Member), Bettina Sichel (Board Member), 

December 2019 Social

December 2019 Social

Glen Ellen Forum Holiday Social! We won’t have our regular monthly meeting for December and instead, we’re gathering as a community for a Holiday Social at the Jack London Saloon! Monday, December 9 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Jack London Saloon – Restaurant Space Snacks 

November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter

Glen Ellen Forum Monthly Meeting Reminder

When: Tonight! Monday, November 4, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Where: Dunbar Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room, 1100 Dunbar Road

Our featured speaker is Jennifer Gray Thompson of The Rebuild Northbay Foundation.

The December Glen Ellen Forum monthly meeting will be Monday, December 9, at 7:00 PM, at the restaurant space of the Jack London Saloon. We won’t have a speaker for the December meeting. We’ll just gather as a community for snacks and good cheer and celebrate all that we love about Glen Ellen.

The GE Forum town clean-up team October 2019
Fall Clean Up of Glen Ellen’s Rural Roads

Our Glen Ellen Forum Projects Committee completed our annual Fall Rural Roads Clean-up morning on Saturday morning, October 26. The team picked up over 68 pounds of trash!

Please Donate to the Glen Ellen Forum

We need and appreciate your donations to support our ongoing operations and committees. You can make a donation to the Glen Ellen Forum in any amount, large or small, on our website You can also mail a check payable to The Glen Ellen Forum to PO Box 464 Glen Ellen, CA 95442. Thank you for your support!

Please follow us on the Glen Ellen Forum Facebook Page.

Warm Regards,
The Glen Ellen Forum
email: [email protected]

October 2019 Newsletter

October 2019 Newsletter

Glen Ellen Forum Monthly Meeting Reminder When: Monday, October 7, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Dunbar Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room, 1100 Dunbar Road Our featured speakers will be the owners of three new businesses in town. Sanjeev Singh of the new Mill at Glen Ellen