September 2020 Newsletter

Next Glen Ellen Forum Monthly Meeting

When: Monday, September 14, 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Register in advance to attend and receive the Zoom meeting details by clicking HERE.

In addition to committee updates and a special announcement, the September meeting will have two guest speakers, Bonnie Brown, and Caitlin Cornwall who will each present an idea for a future use of the former Sonoma Developmental Center property in Eldridge


The GE Forum Communication team needs help!

If you are familiar with WordPress and email marketing tools or if you would like to help with our NextDoor and email updates, send a note to


Save the Date for the following upcoming Glen Ellen Forum and other Community Events:

Friday, September 18, 5:15-6:15 – Monthly Projects Committee Meting. If you enjoy doing good works around town, plan to zoom into this session to hear bout the committee’s current and future ideas.

Thursday, October 15, 6:30-8:30 – Glen Ellen Forum Quarterly Board Meeting. Board Members and Steering Committee members please plan to attend. All are welcome.

Email for meeting information and zoom links.


Please Donate to the Glen Ellen Forum

We need and appreciate your donations to support our ongoing operations and committees. You can make a donation to the Glen Ellen Forum in any amount, large or small, on our website You can also mail a check payable to The Glen Ellen Forum to PO Box 464 Glen Ellen, CA 95442. Thank you for your support!

Please follow us on the Glen Ellen Forum Facebook Page.

Warm Regards,
The Glen Ellen Forum